How To Check Shutter Count For Canon DSLR 70D, 80D ...

Camera'sdon'tdisplayashuttercount...buttheywilldisplayanestimateofhowmanyimagestheythinkcanbestoredontheremainingspaceavailable ...,TheaverageshuttercountoftheCanonEOS70Drangesfrom20,000to45,000shots,dependingonhowwellithasbeentakencareofbyitsown...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Camera's don't display a shutter count ... but they will display an estimate of how many images they think can be stored on the remaining space available ...

Canon EOS 70D Shutter Count Lifespan Check

The average shutter count of the Canon EOS 70D ranges from 20,000 to 45,000 shots, depending on how well it has been taken care of by its owner. Of course, this ...

Canon 70D

Canon stores the shutter count in the firmware of the Canon 70D. Find the right third-party app to get the count!

How to check how many pictures taken by Canon 70D?

2015年7月29日 — They suggest to use an utility called eosmsg to check shutter count on 70D. I downloaded the eosmsg utility, installed it on a laptop, ...

70D shutter count?: Canon EOS 7D 10D

2019年10月12日 — The website indicates it only goes up to the 50D but the text file with in the exe installer file says it does the 70D.

Free Shutter Count

An easy way to know the Shutter Count number of your Canon EOS, Nikon, Sony cameras Know exactly how many shutter actuations your cameras have. Download for ...

What is the maximum shutter count of a Canon 70D?

2022年8月8日 — The shutters in consumer-grade cameras are rated for 50,000 to 100,000 actuations. Professional grade cameras are rated for 150,000–300,000 ...


Camera'sdon'tdisplayashuttercount...buttheywilldisplayanestimateofhowmanyimagestheythinkcanbestoredontheremainingspaceavailable ...,TheaverageshuttercountoftheCanonEOS70Drangesfrom20,000to45,000shots,dependingonhowwellithasbeentakencareofbyitsowner.Ofcourse,this ...,CanonstorestheshuttercountinthefirmwareoftheCanon70D.Findtherightthird-partyapptogetthecount!,2015年7月29日—Theysuggesttouseanuti...

EOSMSG - Canon 相機快門數查詢網站

EOSMSG - Canon 相機快門數查詢網站
